热门搜索: 蓄热型(EHT)地源热泵系统 装配式高效机房 采暖、供热设备及通风系统 HO-RCS混凝土结构雷达 节能减排自动化系统 干热岩地温监测系统 地热管理远程系统 地热资源开采远程监测系统 地热资源回灌远程监测系统 地热水资源动态监测系统 分布式地温监测系统 地源热泵能耗监控测温系统 TD-016C浅层地温在线监测系统 HO-YTDCS一体式多参数分析仪 水质分析仪 DC-2500震电勘探技术承接项目合作 A30粮库全自动三维激光扫描仪 A260棚顶固定悬挂式全自动盘煤仪

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美国NDT James T-S-30 Aquaprobe微波土壤含水率测试仪

名 称: 美国NDT James T-S-30 Aquaprobe微波土壤含水率测试仪
型 号: T-S-30
厂 家: 美国NDT James
用 途: 代表着现代水分测量技术的突破。利用的微波及微型处理器技术, T-S-30 Aquaprobe微波土壤含水率测试仪可测量泥土及幼细聚合物的水含量。

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2016-12-18
  • 访  问  量:1743



[美国NDT James T-S-30 Aquaprobe微波土壤含水率测试仪]

 名    称:美国NDT James T-S-30 Aquaprobe微波土壤含水率测试仪
 型    号:T-S-30
 厂    家:美国NDT James
 用    途:代表着现代水分测量技术的突破。利用的微波及微型处理器技术, T-S-30 Aquaprobe微波土壤含水率测试仪可测量泥土及幼细聚合物的水含量。





厂家:美国NDT James


代表着现代水分测量技术的突破。利用的微波及微型处理器技术, T-S-30 Aquaprobe微波土壤含水率测试仪可测量泥土及幼细聚合物的水含量。简单地将五根叉子插入泥土去量度及检视水分百份比。同时提供特别的使用指引, 让使用者将叉插入特定密度的泥土。


The James Aquaprobe™ T-S-30 Soil Moisture Meter

A microwave meter for rapid determination of moisture content in different types of soils.


  • Highway and Road Contractors
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Foundation Engineering
  • Golf Courses
  • Earth Moving Works
  • Agriculture

Features & Benefits

·         Fast and easy to use.

·         No hazardous chemicals.

·         Accurate.

·         Compley portable.

·         Easy to read display.

·         Instantaneous readings.

Product Information

TheJamesAquaprobe™ represents a break-through in modern moisture measurement technology. By utilizing the latest microwave and microprocessor technology, theAquaprobe™ can determine the soil moisture content of different types of soils and other fine aggregate. Simply insert the five prongs in the soil to be measured and review the percentage moisture on display.   A special guide is supplied to assist the user with inserting the prongs in particularly dense soil.

TheAquaprobeMicrowave Soil Moisture Meteruses a five prong sensor to measure the complex dielectric constant of the material encompassed by the outer four prongs. As the dielectric constant of water is four to eight times greater than most natural soil types, changes in water content directly affect the sensor output. This output is then converted by the integrated microprocessor and moisture content is displayed directly as a percentage of dry weight.  An average of five to ten readings is normally taken in order to ensure a valid reading, especially as water does not distribute itself evenly for many types of materials. 

The basic unit comes pre-calibrated for Lean Clay, Silt, Sand (Ottawa Sand and SP sand) and general type of Silty Sandy soil.  These soils represent the most commonly found types.  This makes the basic unit the economical choice when evaluating soil moisture levels.

The complete system includes equipment to create custom calibration curves for different types of soil.  The instrument can be programmed with up to ten different materials by the user. For highest accuracy, the unit should be programmed for the material being tested. Simple to use Windows™ software is provided for calibrating the unit to the various materials.

Finally, theAquaprobe™ instrumentation unit can store over 150 readings. Storage is complete with the time and date for future reference. Data can be recalled via USB interface to a personal computer running Windows™.




Measurement Range

0 - 15% by Dry Weight


50 Mhz


2 AA Batteries


4 x 16 Char. Trans - reflective

Data Link:



4 lbs. (1.8 kg)



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