热门搜索: 蓄热型(EHT)地源热泵系统 装配式高效机房 采暖、供热设备及通风系统 HO-RCS混凝土结构雷达 节能减排自动化系统 干热岩地温监测系统 地热管理远程系统 地热资源开采远程监测系统 地热资源回灌远程监测系统 地热水资源动态监测系统 分布式地温监测系统 地源热泵能耗监控测温系统 TD-016C浅层地温在线监测系统 HO-YTDCS一体式多参数分析仪 水质分析仪 DC-2500震电勘探技术承接项目合作 A30粮库全自动三维激光扫描仪 A260棚顶固定悬挂式全自动盘煤仪

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美国NDT JAMES 粘结强度测试仪

名 称:美国NDT JAMES P-C-7300 Bond Test MK III粘结强度测试仪
型 号:P-C-7300 Bond Test MK III
用 途:可由直接拉脱的方法量度混凝土、沥青、磁砖、混凝土收复或其他表面物料的粘力或拉力。

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2016-12-19
  • 访  问  量:1590



[美国NDT JAMES P-C-7300 Bond Test MK III粘结强度测试仪]

 名    称:美国NDT JAMES P-C-7300 Bond Test MK III粘结强度测试仪
 型    号:P-C-7300 Bond Test MK III
 厂    家:美国NDT JAMES
 用    途:可由直接拉脱的方法量度混凝土、沥青、磁砖、混凝土收复或其他表面物料的粘力或拉力。



    美国NDT JAMES P-C-7300 Bond Test MK III粘结强度测试仪可由直接拉脱的方法量度混凝土、沥青、磁砖、混凝土收复或其他表面物料的粘力或拉力。


The James Bond Tester™ MK III or pull off adhesion test measures the bond strength or tensile strength of concrete, asphalt, tile, concrete repair, or other overlay material by the direct tension or pull off method. By pulling a 25mm steel disk attached to the material under the unit can,

  1. Measure the near surface strength of a substrate in order to determine the substrates quality before applying an overlay
  2. Determine the bond strength of a repair or overlay material after it is applied to the substrate
  3. Determine the tensile strength of a repair, overlay or adhesive after the material is applied to the surface

The James Bond Tester™ MK III  has been successfully used to verify the quality of existing materials, determine the adhesion strength of shotcrete, tile, epoxies, paint and other repair materials or coatings.

Purchasing Notes

  • Each System comes with 10, 50mm 2 inch, ASTM Standard 1583 - 04  stainless steel disks
  • Customers who purchase this may also need the T-M-170 Moisture Master or T-HT-1000 Humitest for substrate moisture testing

Features and Benefits

·         Accurate bond strength of repair mortars, epoxy resins, laminates, overlays, and other coatings.

·         Calibrated gauge with maximum load indicator and mechanical damping.

·         Ball Joint Design for rapid testing as well as assuring direct tensile loading

·         Adjustable alignment plate with built in leveling facility for both vertical and horizontal pulls.

·         Compact design.

·         Easy to use.

·         Standards

o    ISO 4624 Paints and varnishes -- Pull-off test for adhesion

o    EN 1015-12 Methods of test for mortar for masonry. Determination of adhesive strength of hardened rendering and plastering mortars on substrate

o    EN 1348 Determination of Tensile Adhesion Strength for Cementitious Adhesives

o    BS 1881 Part 207 Testing concrete. Recommendations for the assessment of concrete strength by near-to-surface tests

o    ASTM C 1583 Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Concrete Surfaces and the Bond Strength or Tensile Strength of Concrete Repair and Overlay Materials by Direct Tension (Pull-off Method)

o    ASTM D 4541 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers

o    ACI 503-30 Guide for the Application of Epoxy and Latex Adhesives for Bonding Freshly Mixed and Hardened Concretes

o    DIN 1048 Part 2 Testing concrete; testing of hardened concrete (specimens taken in situ)

Gauge Specifications



Maximum Load Indicator

Mechanical Dampened Movement


0 - 5 KN / 0 - 1100 lbf

0.2 KN / 50 lbf



70 mm / 2.5"

0 - 20 KN / 0 - 4450 lbf

1.0 KN / 200 lbf



70 mm / 2.5"


Alignment Plate


Horizontal and Vertical Level

Easy Thumb Screw Adjustment Knobs

150 mm / 6"




Bond Test Puller Assembly



Maximum Load

60 mm / 2.5"

210mm / 8.125"

30 KN / 6675 lbf


Bond Test Assembly (Alignment Plate Attached to Bond Test Puller Assembly)




240 mm / 9.375"

3010 mm / 12.5"

5 Kg / 11 lbs.


James Bond Tester™ MK III in Case





410mm / 16"

508mm / 20"

205mm / 8"

14 Kg / 31 lbs




以上是美国NDT JAMES P-C-7300 Bond Test MK III粘结强度测试仪的详细信息,如果您对美国NDT JAMES P-C-7300 Bond Test MK III粘结强度测试仪价格、厂家、品牌、型号、图片、规范、规格、原理有疑问,或需要详细报价单、宣传册、中英文产品说明书,请点击我公司


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